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When you’re looking for a way to brighten and whiten your teeth, the choices can be overwhelming and it’s often difficult to know where to begin. Here we answer 6 common questions relating to Zoom teeth whitening which may convince you that Philips Zoom is the way to go.


Zoom Teeth Whitening – 6 Things to Know

When it comes to teeth whitening treatment, Zoom is one of the most popular and well-known brands. It’s convenient and effective, and best of all it doesn’t take long to see results. Before visiting our Bondi Beach dentist, the points in this article will help familiarise you with this treatment. 


What Should You Expect During the Teeth Whitening Procedure?

  • First, the gums and lips are covered with a protective shield so that only the teeth are exposed. 
  • Next, the teeth whitening gel is applied to the teeth. A special lamp is then shone onto the teeth to kick-start the bleaching agent – hydrogen peroxide. 
  • After 15 minutes the gel is rinsed off to check the level of whiteness. This process is repeated twice more giving a total treatment time of around 45 minutes. 
  • The final stage of the teeth whitening procedure is to apply a desensitising gel   to the teeth. 

Our dentist will also tell you about the foods you need to avoid in the first 24 hours following your treatment plus you’ll be given a touch-up kit to use at home. To achieve the best results, It’s recommended for patients to undergo a cleaning treatment before getting their teeth whitened. 

safety zoom teeth whitening bondi

Is the Teeth Whitening Procedure Permanent?

Unfortunately, no teeth whitening system provides permanent results. If you want to prevent staining there are certain foods and drinks to be avoided such as coffee and tea, soy sauce, red wine and curry. Tips to help teeth whitening last longer include maintaining good oral hygiene, drinking stain-inducing beverages through a straw and visiting your dentist regularly. 

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

Professional teeth whitening such as Zoom is perfectly safe since it’s performed and monitored by a dentist. They will make sure that any dental problems are treated before teeth whitening and that your mouth and gums are healthy prior to treatment. 


Does Zoom Teeth Whitening Hurt?

Most people report the teeth whitening procedure to be comfortable, however it’s not uncommon to experience slight tooth sensitivity. This however, can usually be eased with over-the-counter desensitising toothpaste or pain killers and should subside a few days after treatment.


Can Zoom be Used on Crowns and Veneers?

No, Zoom is only designed to work on tooth enamel and cannot whiten the materials that crowns and veneers are made from. If you are planning on getting a crown or dental veneers, it’s best to have your teeth whitened first so that any restorations can be shade-matched to the new colour of your teeth for a seamless smile.


Is Zoom Whitening For You?

If you have any further questions you’d like answering or want to know if you’re a suitable candidate, why not book a consultation with the team at Bondi Beach Dental. Zoom Teeth whitening is one of our most popular cosmetic treatments so you’re in safe hands. Call us now on (02) 9365 6197.

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