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When it comes to cleaning false teeth, dentures need to be handed with a little TLC to make them go the distance. Understanding how to clean dentures is easy and takes just a few steps. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at what you need to know. 

How to Clean Dentures: Daily Care Tips

False teeth need brushing at least once per day, but they should also be rinsed after eating or drinking. 



To rinse your dentures after eating, you should:

1. Remove your dentures from your mouth but do so with care. While dentures are pretty durable, they can easily be damaged when roughly handled
2. Rinse your dentures under running water to remove food particles or debris.
3. Consider cleaning inside your mouth while you have your dentures removed. 

As a top tip –When you rinse or clean your dentures, always fill the sink full of water. If you do drop them into the sink by accident the water will cushion the impact. In one 2019 survey, 26% of the 620 dentures investigated had undergone a previous repair.


To clean your dentures each day:

1. Cleaning false teeth should always be done with a soft-bristled brush and a gentle hand.
2. Soak your dentures first, then use your toothbrush to clean every part. While you should always remove visible particles while cleaning, remember that plaque affects false teeth the same way as it affects natural teeth, so it won’t always be visible.
3. Caring for your mouth is also essential, even if you have dentures on both arches. Use gauze or a soft toothbrush to clean your tongue, gums, and any natural teeth you have. It’s crucial to ensure any denture adhesive is removed from your gums. Never use denture cleaning solutions inside your mouth. Check with your dentist if you aren’t sure which brands or products to use inside of the mouth.
4. Dentures need to soak overnight. Room temperature water is usually acceptable to use, but there are many specialist denture-soaking solutions on the market. Hot or boiling water may cause your dentures to warp. Always follow manufacturer guidelines but discuss the use of denture-specific products with your dentist to ensure you’re choosing something suitable for your false teeth and personal oral health requirements. 


How to Clean Dentures: What to Avoid

Your dentist should have already covered this with you, but when it comes to cleaning false teeth, here are a few big no-no’s: keeping dentures clean bondi beach

  • Never use anything abrasive on your dentures or inside your mouth. Stiff bristles and harsh cleaning agents can all cause damage.
  • Whitening agents should be avoided. Using over-the-counter teeth whitening treatments or toothpaste will not make dentures whiter or cleaner and may even cause irreparable damage or reduce their lifespan. 
  • Bleach or chlorine-based solutions will also discolour and damage dental restorations like dentures
  • As mentioned earlier, hot water may warp or weaken dentures. So, room temperature water only! 

Finally, don’t be tempted to look up home remedies or hacks for dentures online; if you are experiencing discomfort, discolouration, or have concerns about the best products to use, always check with your dentist. 

Need more information?

The Bondi Beach Dental team is here to help with all your questions about how to clean dentures, get dentures, caring for dentures, and more. Call us on (02) 9365 6197 today for more info. 





Smile.com.au – Denture treatment guides, costs, processes, and more

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society – Complete Denture Fracture – A Proposed Classification System

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